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DUOS is a 10-week accessible and relational partnership program to help you take steps on your discipleship adventure… journey with a friend to build up your faith foundations.



The BELIEVE Study, by Randy Frazee, provides a helpful framework for learning and discussion that the Holy Spirit can use to help us take foundational biblical truths and become a people more fully shaped by them.



Engage in DUOS! To increase our convenience of connection and maximize the depth of conversation, prayer, and growth, we are encouraging our church family to engage with the content in Duos. In groups of two, we can be consistent and dig deep!

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​​There are four simples steps:​​

STEP ONE: Commit!

Prayerfully consider whether you are willing to commit. To get the most out of your experience, faithfulness and commitment to engaging in the content and conversation are key! Don’t commit this time around if you don’t think you’ll follow through. There will be future opportunities.

STEP TWO: Sign up!

Once you sign up, we’ll prayerfully and carefully select a partner for you. We know this seems counter-cultural, but we’d be honoured if you would take a "risk" and trust us. We hope to prayerfully connect people of complementary gifts and maturity levels… good heart connection with enough difference to stimulate growth. :) If a duo really isn’t working, you can reach out for a re-match, but we are very hopeful that the Spirit will guide us.

STEP THREE: Engage with the content each week!

Once you are signed up, we’ll ensure you have the content in hand, along with clear instructions on how to get the most out of it. Basically, you’ll prayerfully take in the content (about 15 pages), note any intriguing questions you have, and ask the Holy Spirit to highlight key growth areas in your life. Be prepared to discuss this in your DUO.

STEP FOUR: Meet in your DUO each week for breakfast, lunch, coffee, a walk and talk, or whatever, but follow these four simple steps each time you are together!

  1. Catch Up On Your Week.

  2. Discuss The Material: Bring 2 or 3 of the key questions that challenged you and talk about them together.

  3. Apply What You’ve Learned: Identify a practical growth step. Share it with your partner and be prepared to inquire and supportively hold one another accountable the following week.

  4. Pray Together! 

(Helpline: If you encounter a tricky issue that requires theological or pastoral care, let us know. Contact any of our leaders or Ahren at or call (613) 266-5857.)

Psychologist Session

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